The Chariot with Love Page 2
Always looking and not requesting made us under him feel as though it was easier to being good than that I felt was being worst. The wheel sheepishly silhouetting spins as though I had new meaning and friendship. I was too last forever. Even Satanic last up housed me.
The car I drive was a Mazda Rx-7. GSL-SE was the way we used to try meat. I don't know any as bad a me! When you, O God, rose up to judge, to save all the afflicted of the land.
Surely your wrath against man brings you praise Psalms 77:8-10 but the scripture says I will reach out to aid and provide a survival as you a worshiping if left unrestrained. How did Felicia Mendez know to explain this? As you yourselves couldn't be praying!
You mustn't pray to pay?
Even when I was in the dormitory as a sophomore, I received plenty of careful considerations. I was tough. I had friends that would go out on a limb for me. Because of my influence I was a true heir.
Ahead of others, I picked up an family of New Yorkers and a Mom named Dora , who was glad to see me not shy. I wasn’t a local talent at all. But was in a clique or occult? I lived for nothing else. That made me meaningful.
I could emphatically impress with my dress or my tongue all of union and I knew why! I kept speaking up on my mechanical sheets and realized I was not to get paid for nothing. I was exceptional, not just because of the kind hearted polite young man I was, but because I like my roommate from Jamaica king. Queens boroughs and my NY are not the same. I would not allow you to make me feel guilty about anything or pull a fast one over on us.
My parents always knew who I was in dramatization with, but felt I should have a bite to eat. In the beginning they were the type that cherished my happy soul. They were proud of me. I would do little things successful and yet be the Big Man On Campus answering Howard Universities call for matriculation. I remember being interviewed for the Hilltop newspaper. By this time in my caricature I was muscle brighten and knew how to provide some of my swaggering lessons of Jim Grief.
I smiled and wind aided his mannerisms as I dictated some; where do you like to go for food or a good time? My differing answer: “I spend lots of my time studying, but when I get a chance, just as of late, I went to dine in restaurant in Georgetown in a place conducive for even more study”! The best part of it was I got to share the print with my mother’s best friend the week she took to visit me in Wash. D.C. “Was I say incidentally as easily to fool here?”
I felt as though I was a brethren in the city of Philadelphia’s warmest brotherly love. If I could go back to yesterday; you might find me here. There weren’t just six odd or final things I could do without my Marketing Clubs help but today I do ten. Yes, I was very Performa as a active member and idealist for our School of Business and wishful hopeful the graduating spring year of 1990.
I had an awe inspiring love for our circle and made for truth our Alma mater brighter. I hope you’ll find me at my best in the pages where my ink spills like coffee and ages my hereditary our Bison sound. Just imagine The Howard University “Showtime” Marching Band, under the direction of Mr. John E. Newson, becoming noticed as one of the best-known marching bands in the country. The band is a regular at many NFL football game half-time shows, including post-season championship games, as well as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Now also imagine the likes among 45,000 heartfelt figured students that came to see a finale? I came too! Howard Universities was the best part of me and I am very thankful for the experience.
It is frank that I surrendered my Baccalaureate degree for more engaging moments to freelance writer opportunity ed news briefs for the Sacramento Press. “But say incidentally I am easy to fool!” I have been around town and to every news journal Blog site on the World Wide Web. It doesn’t sound catchy that they can all, suddenly dictate and determine your contents worth with an opinion not supported by an substantial review.
I read that at The Sacramento Press it rewards its membership not only for making editorial comments about the depth of an article. It also teaches unpolished contributors it can reach quick accolades by making comments awe inspired by their glossy warranted opinions of the story telling; a willing dispensable construct. I am a believer that this places grammar as a misplaced priority and signals for injustice.
Because I have edited many fabricated issues I am cognizant of the potential of upholding the word to reach people that know that communication devises a fork in the road which leads us to a Christ centered decisions. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matt 7:13-14
I think you can follow me here. I am vying for a support system that ought to signify my strength’s before there determined as weaknesses; since the affluent believe I have a construct that leads polite people to wane that its supported that I have my priorities misplaced.
Chapter 4- Man’s inside a mission!
What way is down? Do not pass go of course stopping for your luck and community cheap! If you feel interested with lasting friendship why did you let yourselves down? There is hope for you yet! Please take my aggression and prayer as though you were of the answer! I am living for Jesus, but not to the world's closing or strong luck.
But really I thought for you; untarnished people do bend. I was credible and made the best out of a living. I hope for a assuring comeback a rebound is less rewarding. For you can and will scare me. I am not poor.
But as always I am not scared. I lived with you for 42 years and am still trying to find a fit for the between us. I have often died trying to see that you live and work tremendously at being innocent bastion. How dare you make a mockery of me especially when I live to find less trouble by Jesus?
I have no regard for others with unbecoming feelings. See if I am cold. Thanks for the memory and remember God willingly addresses you, because plans can and are sometimes broken. This is what I do to you. Trust I can live on; I am more than a conqueror and am beginning to despise you.
I taught you, that only God and Lord willingly I can have this answer. It does not include the likes of you all.
My best way of thinking is with the craniums and a thought for yesterday I don’t have just one. I eat the wisest head for lunch every day I can. And Lord willing I will not lack for a recovery because I now know what is severely talented and what is lackey confusion. My best friend Bert, just had a child boy and is forever disconnected to his only set of eyes. What may sinisterly wake us both is his mom’s smile. But it’s too late for you. Hi, I said against more conviction and a everlasting faith; I could do go only in the end. This place we live at is such a dream and only spoiled behavior is untarnished. Really I have a house that is a private bassinet and I aim for it to be the line for the telling of our house the Lord finds strength to worship. I remembered this as a little boy Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14.
Even to time ends Bertram Rice will be there for me. I saw a 2 year old that was capable of standing on her two feet. Awesomely there is a pleasant smile above Heaven that connected with me as a child. In his Dental lab I felt smiles as believable as the rainbow rays from the sunshine.
I realized this weren't a kidding but Gods flame in open ranges as I listened to my thinking. My prayer to us is that we come to know God granted all things are possible, Jesus said to him that believes. Mark 9:23
I went to Howard University for a opportunity to wield my sword. I found out though telling its discovery made me laugh. My dad always attested that Howard University gave the best education for the value and although my brother and his wife also went to a college and learned early they could be the success taken that we are; will find
this dream fulfilled.
In Howard Universities magazine I prayed. My two happily growing nieces, should be informed of more His choices to an earlier career and supportive network. I can say with assured ness I was supported too. There was the campus pals and even a beautiful inspiration named Fredricka Whitfield. In the wintery days of the year end I saw her face. I felt enamored that she could touch me like Gregory Williams because they both talked breight. I’ll take her to Mondovi theatrical performances if I see her with you!
Who cleverly is inside a mission? It’s me and my dad; the only two that feel that Howard University is a mid-sized University with accreditation worth its money bought free of charge and on looking other Black Colleges; I once said. Possibly its right for most believing that It provides the best education for its tax writing purposes.
Yes, Howard University along with the flailing colleges south of the Mason Dixon line won’t always be troubling for us others. We seem slow to the point but there is a distinction here. Eat, sleep, and live well.
When I travel with my father, all the way departing from our home in Sacramento; he makes me feel as though I were his pleasing son. He really has a gift of value and something special in store for my understandable conscious.
But like a worker bee his work is never something he cannot fathom and decidedly has a point thereby for you. Let’s connect some more dots! If he is willing like several ombudsmen he can be a mainstay and careful person always designing our facts.
But unlike all civil disobedient he has the most moral control and deepest perception. Yes, restraint comes from anger, mostly as a defense mechanism to prevent yourself from transgressing hot or harmed.
Dear transgressor,
Do you like having a reputation with houses of fortitude? I do and do not have any way of protecting this welling that found its way amongst thee. Morbidly was morals always insecurely rising up out of its shelter. And so I wish thee a better life amongst their many mastiffs surrounding her. Don’t blame me, but remember there is punishment for disobeying the spoken words found not only in your church pastor but those leaving the tongue of Christ Jesus. I am warning you to not cross these bounds; and forgiveness is a thought forever unkind! I was channeled by Lord Jesus and he found the benefits of reading to you all. I put my trust around thee and pray for a new sovereign world.
Sincerely yours in the cause of Christianity,
Joseph Russell, Jr.
I was very excited to receive mail back from you today. Say hello to the baby for me. I only want the best name spaces Charlotte Bronte told. me. I love you Felecia!
Chapter 5- South tails holler
I would be interested if I had a dream. Once you fulfill my wishes you are likewise to be used up for the glory. Turning surreptitiously I am yours like there is a Heavens cape. I don't need you viewing my glory or my wonted pleasures. I’ll trust like the seven behaviors of sin their needs my wholesome thoughts of reunification.
Trust me I succeeded in the timepiece and live again for against me stands. If I trust me, I’ll make you wonder and find the place I will likely growl. But there is no place for even me stands Lord Jesus. I want you to know I am the answer. But to tell the truth you will find me lacking the comfort of His fantasy.
I don't like a mainstay filled with His glorification. But trust me; I know not wherefore I right bust for sure. Help me understand my passion. I only want to be like you twister always channeling his and her desire. In each beginning I knew nothing about your will. It was as if I were living a dream of too; bringing more to offer with the dichotomy of your widening wisdom. But you said in your smile that there is no place for me. So I can tirelessly write my piece.
What says the Christian?
Today is the day the Lord has made let us Rejoice in it and be glad! Our hearts have been redeemed by the stripes of His pure spirit and repenting of his blood. Jesus wants me to live and no longer be challenged by the fear of death. These inhibitions are from our Savior Lord Jesus Christ who died and conquered death once and for all through his death on the cross and resurrection.
In His lasting divinity everyone will know him. Do you have the life God offers in Christ? In the bible it applies the law and says 1 John 5:12 that whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
And it says in the scripture "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." He has given unto us prayer, fellowship, worship, praise, joyfulness, and of course the fruits of the spirit.
Why shouldn't we learn to love and accept His will, and his covenant?
19But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 20Now unto God and our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Now, before the foundation of the world, God had in His will and nature, to provide us a true El Shalom, meaning God of Peace. And while worshiping a Savior that could do it all. "For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous standing and His ears are attentive to their prayers." 1 Peter 3:12
Here over 22 Centuries later we are blessed by His assurances. Our faithfulness should be a testament of his wonder working power.
Why am I God fearing?
For I know that if Thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I am sure to find Lord Jesus seeking out His lessons. We have a world to be thankful for, and a whole lot in common with like minded Christians who don't doubt the power of love. Let's abide in him and not remain far apart from each other "so we can believe all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23 Amen
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary is your child at a date. Help him to recover Lord Jesus love each and every moment of the day. Trust that I’m okay when you speak to Him! 39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward. Mark 9:39-41
I saw you today; like a dream is it supposed to carry me off for some time? Trust me I am found now and wish you the best of Him. There is only one God and a person to be as willingly married. I found my Lord Jesus again, but there isn’t no tomorrow to have to deal with a loss of faith instead. Teacher, you put your hands in mine and still tell as though I have outnumbered your confidence. Trust me it is your faith that leads me on and tells me to halt.
Your beauty
Real beauty as the satisfying scripture has defined; it leaves nothing close to the imagination. It is most revealing as we try to demystify the tradition in place by attracting others. Wouldn't you know there are at most 37 different ethnic categories for us to persuade and be dissuaded of according to our fore fathers and their exceptional beret for interpretation?
The mixed bag as you have it or inoperable basket of goods is designed to appear as though you have made shopping a consumer's choice and without a doubt, helped raise some child.
What path can we follow or how else can each of us engage ourselves so that we have better principled thoughts that we are reminded of on a daily construct?
The welfare system and the state correctional system have nothing in common. Why is that if we are to move aggressively towards improvisation? Both systems have been accounted and maintained by the state board of equalization to work well in hindsight. What must be done for individuals who need representation from privatized agencies other than Governmental reforms?
A social workers job is respected along the lines like a lawyer, but without the contingency. I am sure they can better the obtuse syste
m that prevents you from working if you can already do that without teaching it like a Kraft.
Don't you want your harvest? Someone challenged me and relinquished their gifts for a lifetime. "Without a lonely God", I don't believe everything would appear at all! I hear, but I do know I can trust the Serenity prayer. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference"
Abe Lincoln said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time. And some of the people most of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
Now how shall we maintain these pathways of stature? "I think therefore I am," Descartes said this so that he could subjectively and methodically remove all doubt which kept him uncertain. This is a crafty way to get a touch up, without investing hoards of money into your self-esteem. Why not read to write a book?
Isn't possible to be as beautiful on the inside as on the outside? I don't have so far those handicaps! The indigenous, including "Arnold Palmer", all have lived gracefully amongst so many other racial defectors like Muhammad Ali and Miguel "Sugar" Santos. Affected as rarely the greats, they withstood it all.. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9