The Chariot with Love Read online


  Her significant others affection


  Mr. Joseph Russell, Jr.

  Published by Lulu Enterprises, Inc.

  August 18, 2013

  ISBN# 978-1-304-33229-5

  Table of Contents

  On His Sofa!VII

  Christ is Lord!1

  Meaning traces of pleasure16

  Man’s inside a mission!26

  South tails holler!36

  What shalt we consider!49

  My joy luck decision54

  Who is to blame?66

  By the way…88

  Picture this!96

  The information in this book reflects the writer’s experiences

  and though intended to replace professional or public opinion; it

  is not the intent of the author to diagnose or prescribe nor to

  recommend or suggest the appropriateness of any particular

  faith. All Character representatives are for sure depicted in

  earnest devotion. All rights reserved. No part of this book may

  be reproduced electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, by any means unless granted by the author.

  “If you can? said Jesus. “Everything is possible

  to him that believes.” Mark 9:23

  Chapter 1- On His Sofa!

  What did I do wrong?  I listened to the mainstream.  I whet my opinion of others.  I even said good bye when I felt popularized by the life of the draw to millions.  Of course you will live my dream of bigness, but first you must follow the system.  Meaning: Love you mother, like a dictionary.  Love you siblings like they were your world. And finally love your neighbor as if it did not matter.  Spatial cueing and masked priming isn’t a hard job once you see the factor.  I saw it way early before any variable could affect me.  I just kept waning and gaining the confidence needed for the astute numbering of subliminal discovery.  “I was doubtful and assured that I could never feel incidentally as though they say easy to fool!”

  It is very widely accepted that there amongst the sainthood "When praises go up! Blessings come down." This is the pathway to fulfilling self-righteousness only edified and acknowledged by God's passion. In the books of the storyteller's bible it remarkably explains a representation cleverly to us that as we are told "the holy men who wrote the bible scripture all had an exceptional expertise". And so liken onto the best selling published book in the world, we should witness and grow as it demonstrates that we are often advised to write about what we know and that is how to draw upon our own experience in life.

  You too can draft a professional talented manuscript for self-publishing if you are willing to confirm your dedication for tact, organization, precedence, word usage, & timing.

  What is tact? Tact is learning the importance of times matter; thus a civility to all. Organization and precedence both are arms and legs and to a author can determine the accord of the worth of the communicator. Timing is what gives words and their cohesiveness stickiness and value.

  All of this distress completes a commitment for perspectives on this strange phenomenal we need called writers composition. In a book titled "Becoming Behavior" by Ruth Harvey, the ever present and distressing theme in the book was the virtuous women.

  Picking a title for your book may be the most incredulous part about writing your novel, but the challenge is to find it in two descriptive words. A good title is "Serendipity How?" But I'll always remember Oprah's "What I know for sure" magazine arranged of quotations.

  Without a lot of detail one should have a outline drafted, brain storming, listing thoughts in a Venn diagram form. Next one should simply over lap thoughts or chapters which have seaways of interest in common. A novel or memoir should be approximately 235 pgs. and have no less than 15 chapters.

  Now that your book has a thematic, with editing you can decide the quality of your 2nd and 3rd person's voice. But don't forget the narrative can always be in script. You can add art, jokes, poetry, lyrics, prose, music, etc, as long as you get the copyright from the u.s. copyright office maintaining that upon issuance under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified in claim.

  There is a program on Microsoft word available which tells you the time you have spent editing your manual script. To be a success you might want to see it in hours closer to 1 million hours edited. This was the only way to make sure that all of the kinks with the text editing programs messed properly.

  But to succeed in a subsidy press or self- publishers print-on-demand press there are several steps that must be developed and underscored to present a crystal clear picture of your conscientiousness. Yes, a literary agent will not only look at syntax, but comprehension, and diction.

  In the end, you will find it a securely rewarding experience not to believe characterized by the new found love you have for correct diction, and a willful satisfaction for learning.

  The Fan

  If I had the auspices of doubt I could ascertain what was good. In my living room there lay a sofa. Not a chair or room for too many; but on it a sainthood there to bless me. I understand that all people lay when controlled by its Heaven. Willingly I am who I say, says God the unconditional and spirit lead head of our household.

  Like my soul rest a bountiful upbringing with regards for your ineptitude. This rendition of your life's dream is only kept as pittance of deep cleansing. I seen his feet in my gifted Armor and wonder why we dream. Of course I matter says the dusty loafer in my book but a display for you makes common sense. What do I do for the two of us?

  I lay brink and mortar and lift your soul. I always wanted to impress upon you my knack for slate blue. I am only one but appear at the few and wish your head was a mime. To take me on is often wrongful but I bow to you for your wonderfulness. But as always you want assuredly be aware that I am in your heaven.

  Of course as I prefer there is a case for this in Psalms 77 when I am too troubled to speak. I have hope for you all, displease me!

  If I had to sell me I would use the trampling of my book ends. Lost people don’t read books but focus on them frothy hardback designed book covers. I have plenty for you.

  You have a sexy problematic persistence; don't turn laughter into more fear. You too can be an editor with a patch like this too!

  Is this what you expected? Howard University had to say, I was unique even spelling and maybe with my head. But to life is some challenges not reason to live. I grant recompense so you can see how much to charge. Bill me, you're ever need is intuitive, but I see through a pack of lies.

  If you excite me, would it be important to take my hand?

  I am lasting still. Listening to the unready saint is a cause for directional disenchantment or an illusionary beguiling dread. I hope for someday that the likes of this passion remain. I was seventeen when I captured myself thinking of me and then you all. I was medium brown, tall, taunt and good looking to say; but lost my affection to comely. I only wanted to make you happy. Now grown and way past maturity I have several displeasing thoughts for your achy heart. Why not marry and have my own mannerisms make you sleep your fallacy of indifference.

  I only should be with your holding and not amongst the crowd.

  God love me! Let me say for sure. As for a indwelling of our spirit I will not engage the callousness in you all. As I trust and acknowledge Him therefore I am and will remain to be seen by those reading a personal exception to his dreaming.

  Gathered here to form the living spirit I don’t doggy discount you. If you are there for creating a trusting relationshi
p; you can find me.


  I chuckle about my life at Howard University the finest private college in the mainstream above all Mecca. It taught me never to quit and listen to my parents while still frank fully taking the liberty if rarely to grow up.

  I like numerous others found our challenge bitter at first because of all the alternatives for mischief. I remain the good and the bad. Friends like Bernadine and Camye Brown but not like the likes of Robert Borke were bewitched and pretty. I grew you.

  I always knew right from wrong although it becomes more discerning as you mature through weakness. Have you ever heard the spirit is unready but the flesh is some kind of weak tabernacle we all seem to worship? I go right you go with me; you go left and it’s satanic to reach.


  Like each oil can Pittsburgh; it lends a affection to Washington, D.C. And nursery’s along with his red, white, and blue Alma mater, made me lessen you. Shall I perchance desire a visit when we really roll space and their fear that I want nothing more than envelopes addressing His namesake and providential oh Cointreau, is fa moused.

  Not being fully understood again these women take fun at my ineptitude addressing its luck. What is holy or pronounced in you? I love the thought of toiling with His beauty up and up! Inexplicably there is beyond a doubt still affection for her even though without her looks no one is positive.

  Chapter 2- Christ is Lord!

  The Genius behind His taste…

  For the first time in a while there have been several mentor/teachers that have lead me to believe that my dictation is hedgy.  But along with the determinism, strength, and focus comes the responsibility often found in slants meaningful to the republic of journalist.  It is my presentation most sought evident in “A divine difference a journey makes” seaways, caricatures, and plain outright dogma I draw from which I tellingly fuse and wire a system.” , and finally the word power in my index has left me unabashed.


  From Learning as Torture to Learning as Fun

  It is easy to misconstrue the importance of education. Don Tapscott says “maybe torture is an exaggeration, but for many kids class is not exactly the highlight of their day” (1). It is contrary to popular opinion but parents, teachers, & associations are still cleverly waiting for a new media to be utilized to help students advance in achievement.

  On the other hand is Clifford Stoll says “The 1950’s Skinner model of classroom attractiveness its not unsoundly trivial though its benefits likely are learned behavior for programming and are also seen too primitive for instruction”(2) The articles “From Learning as Torture to Learning as Fun” by Don Tapscott and “Makes Learning Fun” by Clifford Stoll discuss the purported focus of the child’s performance slump and 12-30 year-olds, adapting fabric and activity in the above mentioned collaborative interactive, gaining technology and promises for more bang for their buck.(3) Which of the two articles is harder to phantom?

  Or rather how is the former more convincing than the latter? Stoll has a unique perspective but my thoughts are with Don Tapscott when it comes to defining the science behind the activity and development of second hands and learned behaviors.

  Are we to engage our youth to work steadily towards their goal which may be the acquiring of some computer assistive technology? Or are we to phantom that as we reach one teach one we will not lose sight of what really matters; interpersonal communication, work ethics, and neo classic problem solving?

  It is now questionable that our children Growing up Digital have somehow lost and sacrificed a few improbable skills in the fray. Although they have exceeded their expectations learning how to use computer savvy applications and devices; videos and demonstrations; and manipulative, they unfortunately have lost their competency in what matters like social norms and social conduct. For this very reason, learning is becoming a social activity facilitated by a new generation of educators understanding the new media, it may challenge your perspective of onlookers too. Whereas the teacher becomes the entertainer and in doing so builds enjoyment, motivation, and responsibility for achieving and the student learns to love anything about school.

  Understanding the forging consideration that it takes entertaining teachers in the era of new media to build motivating lessons for learning is an perspective of Don Tapscott. Besides, it is wrong however, that learning is fun and it can’t be challenging says Tapscott (3). With course work tailored to suit the students needs as a living project, models have been identified to help place in check collaborative environments which

  help students study without being overly dependent upon their instructors, but to get suggestions from there circle of peers.

  Instructors are fascinated with students’ growth when they learn by discovery (4).

  From the beginning children have always detested book learning. Many examples have come to the fore and are worth repeating today. There in the wake of it all I am fit to inform you of the value I have placed as a neo platform educator purported to share the agenda of the form and function of school, work, and democracy. Here the child is the focus of this performance slump.

  Because the classrooms are also so diverse, with children from Korea, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Russia, English as a Second Language must effectively be immersed so that as a language “this is much more indicative of the matter afterward, outside the classroom when others have been found to smile and present broad senses of pride to their classmates” (5) For Richard, “There is something that happens when you decide for yourself that you’re going to learn something and do something. This is much more powerful than when someone else says you have to do this their way”(6). “The kids work 10 times longer because they are so excited about their projects.”(7)

  To set the stage for a teacher’s vision requires that we are among those trying to create a stage for them to present their ideas and their work to other. Something like when a student hands his assignment over to a teacher for an evaluation. He doesn’t necessarily learn. But the intentions of the work become to satisfy the teacher.(8)

  Technology promises shortcuts to higher grades and painless learning says Stolls.(9). The camp of Clifford Stoll must substantiate just one problem, most learning isn’t fun. Learning takes work, discipline, responsibility, and then commitment.

  By drawing specific attempts at not only fulfilling the academic side of new media projects; teachers can show a connection to real life applications where being exposures of national security may be warranted (10). Freedom of circumstance allows men to dictate which ground breaking facilitating miracle to produce. If all of the above have come to discourage children from loving anything about school or simply put to first love experiments; then there is no place for discussion.

  In conclusion, when children are given responsibility for their learning, they are the authority! They stop and think about it, and it still can be fun! Yes and maybe Clifford Stoll and a quote from students at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School of Journalism teach a core course in Electronic Information Sources with the motto: Learning is Fun, will prove trivial. The camp of Clifford Stoll must substantiate; learning takes work, discipline, responsibility, and then commitment.

  We must remember everything you do affects others. “Now imagine, that nobody on this earth can decide what marks they make!”(11) Which means they will be able to do some things far more ground breaking and creative than you will ever imagine thanks to an article by Tapscott titled From Learning as Torture to Learning as Fun(12). If you know it you need help Don Tapscott and Clifford Stoll offer suffering solutions to put in place to help assist in the new media and behavioral science applications of the instructional fun.

  A doctor once visited me. At my best I was enterprising as before. It snells like a stench and as I suppose you will be there. I have spent your life as pretending placement in your mind’s eye, and will swallow when sickly. Don't justify this givers hearst as a
place in a real dream. My nose is hardly to play with although I allow a heightened past.

  Like beauty there is a callous but my name goes the farthest past. She the aggressor thought I was looking when in all likeness I was after gas; corrupt by my parents I fought to last. If my soul should worry I bring home mine first A submission sick from heaven and filled with even you.

  My love awaits my Heaven and takes a spot from you all. If there is a rebuttal, I plan a day with you. Why let them bother me at my curt lasting kidding affectionate enough for all. Like your own hallow men I live for you. My last greater chapter is you must do!

  Chapter 3- Meaning traces of pleasure

  I sought long and hard for a redeemer. I definitively have higher others and covertly filled by feathers.

  Like a Hewlett Packard scanner there is a blessing around the corners. It is our unachievable sin and you might lift my soul to your own invitation discerning in your Heavens cape.

  I wished for me to U-turn and come onward closer to you. He then explained how in me the troubling instance Jesus was found and wept for the return. What there was to him thereafter was a bite and disbelief answering me.